Foot And Heel Pain

Originally is was assumed that Plantar Fasciitis was just an inflammatory condition, however inflammation is only rarely the cause. Individuals with flat feet/no arches or very high arches are more prone to plantar fasciitis than individuals with normal arches. Other causes or risk factors for plantar fasciitis are sudden weight gain or obesity, long distance running, and poor arch support in shoes. I have extremely flat and pronated feet, had gained weight rapidly during each of my pregnancies and also didn’t get orthotic inserts regularly, choosing rather to try and extend the life of old supports.

If all else fails you ought to go to your physician about your Sportsmen’s foot problems. If you think it has infected various other areas of your body make certain to go see your physician. The physician may have to refer you to a skin doctor especially if you have a bad trouble. A good way to improve blood circulation in the area as well as relax the muscles in the heels is to get a massage. Lubricant oil can be used for the purpose that will relieve the pain as well This should be done for 10-15 minutes each day for maximum benefits. Work On The Footwear

Another way to treat heel spurs is to stop wearing high heels. High heels are very stressful to the heels of the feet and ankles. If you cannot stop wearing them because you need to wear them in the office or something, you should at least wear them sparingly. One can wear flat shoes while commuting and just wear the heels once they are in the office. You should also not wear slippers or shoes that are too flat. It is important that your heels are a little higher than your toes. You can add a protective cushion in your shoes to raise your heels.heel spur remedy

Treatment Treatment of plantar fasciitis is sometimes a drawn out and frustrating process. A program of rehabilitation should be undertaken with the help of someone qualified and knowledgeable about the affliction. Typically, plantar fasciitis will require at least six weeks and up to six months of conservative care to be fully remedied. Should such efforts not provide relief to the athlete, more aggressive measures including surgery may be considered. there are many things that we can do to help get rid of your heel pain, but they all start with a thorough history and exam to rule out more severe problems and evaluate for possible causes of the heel pain.

Article body (HTML version) Why do so many runners suffer from chronic heel pain on a regular basis? The most common cause of heel pain in runners is heel spur syndrome (plantar fasciitis), or the too much, too soon, too fast syndrome. This article was written by Dr. Michele Summers Colon, DPM, MS who is located in El Monte, CA. Dr. Colon can be found at You can also located Dr. Colon’s online store at Dr. Colon has also written a book titled “Your Feet are NOT Supposed to Hurt!” apply ice pack for 10 to 15mts at least twice a day.or rolling your foot over an iced can.or bottle.

The most poorly understood Achilles tendon injury is actually not an injury of the tendon, but an inflammation of the bursa sac that separates the tendon insertion on the heel bone from the back of your ankle. The fluid in the bursa actually allows the tendon to move smoothly over the bone. When the bursa sac becomes irritated from frequent or abnormal movement, it becomes inflamed and bursitis can set in. Short Description Achilles bursitis is a pain in the heel that is poorly understood. This article describes this commonly misdiagnosed disorder and discusses treatment options to get you back on track!heel spur remedy